News & Blog

March 19, 2024

Friend’s help

Once upon a time there was a puppy named Tuzik. More than anything else in the world, he loved to play with his colorful balls. He had a ball as red as a ripe strawberry, as blue as the summer sky, and as green as the grass in a meadow.

One day Tuzik was frolicking on the bank of the river, tossing balls in the air and catching them. He was so engrossed in the game that he did not notice how the blue ball slipped out of his paws and fell into the water.

Tuzik whimpered. He could not reach the ball, which swam farther and farther away. The puppy did not know what to do. He wanted to get back his favorite ball.

Suddenly a shaggy red dog came out from behind the bushes.

“What’s wrong?” – he asked.

Tuzik told him of his grief.

“Never mind!” – said the red dog. “I’ll help you.”

He jumped into the river and in a few paddles swam to the ball. Picking it up with his teeth, he returned to the shore and gave it to Tuzik.

The puppy was so happy! He wagged his tail and jumped with happiness.

“Thank you!” – he barked. “You’re a real friend!”

“You’re welcome!” – replied the red dog. “Now let’s play together.”

And they began to play, throwing colorful balls to each other.

Moral: Friendship helps to overcome any difficulty.

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